~~~~~~~~~~~~Divine Intervention~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
The War to Destroy Christian America
Sam Harris, Jordan Peterson & Douglas Murray – Dublin
Billy Graham’s Last Message to America & the World.
A Vital Message from the heart of Billy Graham near the very end of his life. Spoken on his birthday, aged 95 years.
As Jesus told us: His followers will be persecuted more and more as the “end-times” near. Parents will turn in their children for being followers of Jesus and children will turn in parents.
Jordan B Peterson → Click here
Moral Philosophy Philosophical Personality Test → Love of Wisdom
Justice is the first Harvard course to be made freely available online. Nearly a thousand students pack Harvard’s historic Sanders Theatre to hear Michael Sandel, talk about justice, equality, democracy, and citizenship. In this 12part series, Sandel challenges us with hard moral dilemmas and invites us to ponder the right thing to do in politics and in our everyday lives. The course he’s been teaching has made him one of the most popular teachers in the world.” Continue Reading → Watch Episodes